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Blog Content Engine

Why You Need Blog Content In Your Directory More Than Ever:

In this article, we are going to teach you how to generate blog content that is worthy of sharing and brings a lot of traffic to your directory. This will help you boost your sales and increase the number of members in your directory.

 1. Content Helps Maintain a Healthy Email List

What do we mean by a healthy email list? Well, getting to have an email list of clients or potential clients for your directory is difficult, but it is a very great asset that brings huge benefits for your directory. However, the work does not end in just having an email list, you have to keep these people happy and interested so when every time they receive an email from you, their first thought will be "I need to open this email". 

This is where your blog comes in. Submitting blogs with interesting and valuable content will foster a relationship between you and the prospect client. So the idea is that every time they receive an email from you, they will open it and interact with your directory. Professionals in the field recommend that you send at least one email per week.

 2. Content Sells

Generally, most marketers think that content and promotion are different things and that one is not related to the other. However, that is incorrect, content sells. This is very true and even more when you talk about your own content in your own directory.

Because, when you publish your content you can mix it up with promotions. You can add offers to your content so that it does more than just attract and entertain your visitors and value your offer.

 3. Content Is Key to Retargeting

Blog content is an extremely important aspect of retargeting, better known as remarketing. This is the main reason why we should create content. The combination of content and retargeting provides a very effective way to attract highly relevant traffic to your directory. Since we talk about retargeting, they are clients who have already had the experience of working with you and it’s easier to reach old clients than new ones.

These are just some of the reasons why creating content regularly is so important for your directory, there are also other benefits such as credibility, trust, goodwill, and the authority with the prospects to view your directory. We focus on the first 3 reasons because it is easier to quantify the impact on your directory.

Create Blog Content Quickly

You must first choose the type of content that best suits you and your directory. Remember that to create quality content it must:

A very easy way to generate quick content is with templates that you can search on the Internet, so you don't have to sit down and write a very long post by yourself. On the other hand, most of the content would come from other contributors, embedded videos or images, among others.

 1. Crowdsourced Post

A crowdsourced post is one of the easiest and most effective ways to create content quickly. Basically the idea is that you contact people in that area, which you are going to talk about on the blog, and ask them some questions or give them their point of view.

This type of content works very well for several reasons:

 2. Content Aggregator Post

Adding additional content in one post saves the user experience and yours a whole bunch of time. It is one of the most effective methods out there. What you have to do is look for information that will be useful for your prospects from different sites, pages, people, etc., and then place them all in one place.

Also, always remember to give credit to the authors, insert a link to direct people to the original content. Since it is not your creation, if you don't give credit you could have some serious problems.

If you do it the right way, everyone wins. The authors benefit from having more visits to their websites, your customers will be able to find various important information in a single site and it will allow you to generate content easily and quickly. Win, win, win.

 3. Interview Post

This type of content is a lot easier because you do not have to think about what to write, the content comes from the person you interview.

You must get a person who is knowledgeable about the topic you want to talk about. This idea like the previous one will make your blog have a greater reach because they will share it with their mailing list.

Offer it to the people who have not been to your blog. One reason they might refuse to is because of the way you asked. Don't write "Would you write a blog for me?" instead ask them "Can I interview you?" The first question sounds like they have to do all the work and they don't receive any benefit from it, but the second question touches the person's ego and makes them feel important.

Some recommendations for conducting the interview is to do it via audio, that is, by phone call, zoom meetings, and such like. That does not involve using video. Not using video leaves the interviewee calmer and does not have to worry about their appearance or what to use in the background, etc. Also, always remember to record the call, so you don't miss important details.

Just take a 15-20 minute call and in no time you'll have a fantastic blog for your directory.

 4. Quote Post 

In a Quote Post, what you should do is find many quotes or include advice from different places and add them to your post. Call it for example: "16 Quotes to Inspire Your Content Marketing". Your prospects are going to love this type of article and it won't even take much of your time to do it.

Even in some cases, content creators add images to make it more pleasing to the eye and generate more traffic, however, it is not so necessary.

These posts tend to perform very well as they are easy to consume and remember, people want to get the information quickly.

 5. Embed Reactor Post 

This type of post generally attracts a lot of attention from the prospects of the directories, since it is much more interactive. 

What you have to do is very simple: Insert a video, an infographic, a presentation, and such like, of people who already created content.  Then you can generate a comment about it.

From there, comes the name of the blog (Embed Reactor), first, you insert some content and then you react to it.

Don't feel that it is bad to use the content from other people, by doing this both parties win, the person who created the content will have more views and visits and on the other hand, you will have highly attractive content and you will have more traffic in your directory. Just remember to give the corresponding credits and add a link to the original publication.

Long-Lasting Content

Previously you learned how to make content quickly, now you will learn how to create long-lasting content that once published it will generate real traffic for months, even years from its first post.

These types of posts are quite long, they include a minimum of 1000 words, they talk about very useful topics for their end-user, that are easy to process, are very well written, and attractive. They also contain images, videos, and/or audios to support the topic of interest.

These types of posts are a bit difficult to create, they require effort and time but their benefits are worth it since they will generate a lot of traffic for a long time.

You have to take into account that it does not mean that once the content is created you are going to leave it like that forever, you have to update your information. This is because the search engines observe that there hasn't been any changes for a long time and will not give them the necessary importance.

In this type of blog, always think about the end-user, that it is attractive to read and that they obtain great advice, benefits, or knowledge in exchange for reading the entire blog.

Choose the Right Call to Action for Your Blog Post

At this point you will learn how to sell through your content. That is, how to use your content to generate new subscribers and customers through CTA (Call To Action).

A CTA can be any type of offer you make to your directory users. Generally, they will offer to purchase a certain type of product or service, join your directory, or sign up for your mailing list. Many pages have very good content but do not include a CTA, this is a mistake. The CTA is a door for your visitors to level up in the Customer Journey, but they will only do so if you ask.

There are 2 suggestions you should consider when including CTAs in your blog:

 1. Choose an Entry-Level Offer

The CTA serves as an entry for new members of your directory or the entry of new users to your directory, take into account that you must go step-by-step. You should not try to sell $1000 products on a blog, it would be asking too much too fast. 

The right step is to convert your directory visitors into low-priced members or customers. It could be offering a low-priced product between $1 and $20, or like a Lead Magnet with free resources like a free template, or free advice in exchange for their contact information. This type of offer will increase the conversion rate of visitors in your directory to clients or members.

 2. Choose a Relevant Offer 

You must choose an offer that is consistent with the topic you are talking about on your blog, it may sound very obvious but it is a very important aspect to consider.

For example, if your blog is about skincare, your offer should be related to skincare. Offering discounts when you get certain help from a product or even a video on how to take care of your skin on a day-to-day basis.

You Have Published Your Blog Post, Share It!

You have already created your blog, congratulations! However, your work is not finished yet, just publishing it in your directory will not have the scope that all of your hard work in creating it deserves.

A very easy and frequent option is to carry out internal links. Place in your directory in several strategic places, links to where your blog is so that people can easily access it.

This allows your page visitors to read your content, regardless of which page of your directory they are on, and this will increase the reach of your blog.

A very effective strategy is to share the link of your blog post on social media, for easy access.

This strategy is very convenient to attract people who have never had contact with your directory before. So, when people end up on one of your social networks, they will be able to visit your blog, and if it grabs their attention, this will attract new users to your directory.

You don't always have to create new content, for example, you can go to your main blog and analyze which part of the blog or topic is resounding the most with readers.

The idea is that you take a certain part of a topic and change the format to create "new" content. This way, people will have more than one place to see “new” content and the scope for this specific topic is increased.

You now know how to quickly create effective content, how to reuse your same posts, and increase your sales. Blog Content is a handful but don’t be worried. With these easy tips you’ll be flying high in no time! Go ahead and make the best blog you have ever created!