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Customer Value Journey

One of the greatest marketing tools is when you value a customer’s journey improvement of where they initially started vs. where they are now. This starts when your directory turns end-users into customers and keeps them coming back. 

In this article we will provide you with a guide that will help you make prospect members join your directory.

Step 1: Make Them Aware

You have to be on the radar of your prospects. You can do it through advertising, blogs, events, oral publicity, on social networks or any other media that your directory has.

Step 2: Get Them to Engage

It doesn’t matter where people will contact you (email, social media, blogs, customer support, and so on), you will always have to engage through the conversations you have with them. This conduct is important to maintain throughout the entire user experience that this person will have in your directory.

Step 3: Ask Them to Subscribe

When people feel comfortable with your directory, it's time to ask them to subscribe. Whether they are future members or end-users, ask them if they want to subscribe to your directory. 

Subscribing to your directory if it has a free membership or only subscribing to receive offers, promotions, etc. Might show some problems in the future, for example, most of your emails will most likely end up in the spam inbox.  This is why you should offer them something worthwhile such as guides, videos, promotions, among others. So you can always keep your subscribers interested.

So you easily offer them something they want, they fill out a form and that's it.

Step 4: Make Them a Customer

If the previous step was completed correctly and your customers are satisfied, they will be eager to connect more with your directory and see what else you can offer them. Therefore, it is time for them to put money in your directory. 

It is important to understand that they are potential members who will want to fully enter your directory. Others will want to go slowly in or they simply do not have the capital necessary for a full entry.

For this reason, it is best to make different memberships at different prices to see which suits your potential clients best and the opportunity to level up when they are ready.

Step 5: Get Them Excited About Your Brand

The goal of this step is to create happiness in your clients and it has been scientifically proven that buying creates happiness. You try this by giving something extra to your client when they join your directory. For example, you can give them a quick guide on how to use your directory, give them an extra feature that surprises them, or give them any content that makes your new member happy and that makes them feel important in your directory.

Give your new customer a memorable experience.

Step 6: Make Them a Multi-Buyer

At this stage, the goal is to generate more purchases and profits and it's not that hard to do because your customers are happy and they will likely want to buy again and again.

So, you can try by offering them a membership upgrade, give them more and better solutions, and very importantly create add-ons for your directory that can increase your sales.

Step 7: Ask Them to Spread the Love

Happy customers love to share their positive experiences. When they make these positive reviews, they create more loyalty to the directory.

In this step, just ask them to make a positive review or even to share your page on different social networks.

Step 8: Make Them a Promoter

In this step, the idea is to turn your members into promoters, where they talk about your directory and the services they can get by joining. This creates even more confidence in new prospects as they receive recommendations from people like them.

You could also offer something in exchange for bringing new members into your directory. Such as commissions or even discounts in the directory. 

The goal is that both parties benefit from it.

Our goal in this article is to show you how to get customers that keep coming back and that the user experience is always the best. If you need help you can contact us at any time and we will be happy to help you.